Moving To Malaysia

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)

Register to use the e-gates at KLIA

Once you have your MM2H social visit pass in your passport, registering for the automated electronic immigration gates (e-gates) at KLIA is wonderfully simple and quick.

When returning from your next trip out of Malaysia, go through arrivals immigration as usual. Then immediately turn left, and at the far end of the duty free shops turn right towards the baggage reclaim hall. Directly in front of you, you should see a small blue kiosk, immediately before the porter assistance booth.

Simply hand over your passport at the kiosk. They’ll check you have an appropriate visa (MM2H or other long-stay pass, or a work visa etc) then scan your passport. You’ll be asked to scan your finger prints (exactly the same as when you pass through immigration). Assuming all is well, they’ll afix a sticker on one of the pages of your passport and hand it back to you.

All done. Took me about thirty seconds, and no queuing.

According to the sign on the window, the kiosk is open almost continually – aside from a couple of hours a day, between 8am and 9am, and 8pm to 9pm.

As an aside, you may notice you got a different stamp in your passport when you came through immigration. Instead of the usual “permitted to remain for 90 days” tourist visa stamp, you’ll now get a “permitted to reenter and remain until…” stamp with a date written in by the immigration officer, matching the expiry date of your MM2H visa.

I’m told your passport will still be stamped on every exit and re-entry to Malaysia, even after you have your MM2H visa, if you use the manned immigration counters, but not if you use the e-gates. So registering for the e-gates should not only save you some time on your future trips, but also some space in your passport.

Well worth it for the sake of a few seconds on your next arrival!


Update, November 2019

Having now made a full in-and-out return trip from Malaysia with my newly-registered passport, I can confirm that the e-gates are indeed very simple and quick to use – though I won’t quite say easy; it takes a bit of faffing around to get your passport aligned correctly so that the machine can read it. But still quicker than using a manned immigration desk.

One thing worth noting: there are two sets of e-gates at KLIA, one for Malaysians and one for Foreigners. As a foreigner, your passport will not be recognised by the Malaysia-citizens e-gates. Look for the “Foreigner e-gates” signage in the immigration hall. Outbound, it’s the second set of gates on the right as you come down the escalators into the hall – so further in toward the centre. Inbound, it’s just to the right of the fast track lanes.

On arrival back into Malaysia, the e-gate will print out a small arrival slip. I’m not sure what this is for exactly, but I assume it might be prudent to keep it somewhere safe!


Overview of the MM2H process


Living in the haze


  1. Jimmy yap on 23 December, 2019

    Please guide me to register the E gate system for Malaysia arrival

    • Jon on 26 December, 2019

      Do you have a specific question I can try to answer, that isn’t already covered in the article above?

  2. Andy on 18 January, 2020

    Hi Jon, thx for your article above.
    May I ask – the registration and sticker on the passport – the validity based on expiry of passport or visa? If visa (yearly), meaning after each renewal, do we need to go and register again or if follow passport then is good maybe for another 4-5 years.

    • Jon on 18 January, 2020

      Good question! I just checked mine and there’s no expiry date on the e-gate registration sticker itself, but the entry stamp they put next to it has the expiry date of my MM2H visa, which is four weeks before my passport expiry date (the MM2H is a ten-year visa, but my passport only had eight years left by the time mine was approved). I don’t know what the official policy is, so I don’t want to give you wrong information – but logically, it would be nice if all the systems were joined up so that your e-gate registration continues automatically when you renew your visa (or conversely, gets automatically revoked if you don’t), hence no need to go and register again – but I wouldn’t bet money on that… 😉 Best thing I can suggest is to check with the immigration department when the time comes to renew your visa, or pop by the e-gate registration kiosk next time you enter Malaysia and ask their advice. Please do post back here what they say – might be useful to others. Hope it all goes smoothly!

  3. Andy on 20 January, 2020

    Thanks for your response, Jon. Would update if I happened to have the chance to pass by the e-gate registration kiosk again via KLIA. Have a nice day!

  4. Fred on 2 June, 2022

    Hi there,

    I passed by the egate registration a couple of times recently when arriving at KLIA however it’s never open (only 9 am to 5 pm). A bit ridiculous you need to be lucky to arrive at the right hour of the day

    Any idea how to register anywhere else?


    • Jon on 8 November, 2022

      Hi Fred,

      Unfortunately not – as far as I know, that’s the only place it can be done. With any luck the opening hours might return to normal now that the travel restrictions have been lifted. I’ll try to find out next time I’m passing by there.

  5. Akira Awangga on 20 August, 2024

    Do you know where to register for Malaysian Permanent Resident at KLIA 1 before the departure ?

    All the articles i have read are all for Arrivals.

    • Jon on 17 September, 2024

      I don’t, sorry. I’m not aware of what provisions there are now, or where they are. But if you have permanent residency, it may well be a different process to MM2H anyway. I’m not even sure you’d need to register – would you not just be treated the same as a Malaysian citizen for entry/exit/egate purposes?

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