Moving To Malaysia

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)

Complete the security bond form

If you’re not a lawyer (and perhaps even if you are), the Malaysia My Second Home security bond form is possibly the most confusing part of the whole process. It is a horribly-worded piece of legalise with a lot of spaces for you to fill in but not, at first glance, much clarity on exactly what you’re expected to write. At least it’s in English 😉

You can download the blank form from the MM2H web site and complete it by hand, or use a PDF editor to complete it on-screen (there aren’t actually fields for you to type into, but a decent editor should allow you to add text boxes in the right places).

On the plus side, when you receive your conditional approval letter, it includes instructions that go a long way to clarify what’s needed, which actually as it turns out isn’t all that difficult.

You’ll need a witness – the form asks for their NRIC (National Registration Identity Card) number and address in Malaysia, which implies that they should be a Malaysian citizen, but the instructions state that the witness can be a relative or friend of the applicant, hence presumably not necessarily Malaysian. I’m not sure what you would put in the NRIC field if your witness does not have an NRIC – passport number probably – or whether it’s acceptable for the witness’ address to be outside Malaysia. To avoid complication, I had a Malaysian friend act as my witness. If you don’t have any local friends, you could perhaps ask the doctor doing your MM2H health check.

Here’s how it goes. The words in upper case are the bits you write in; anything in [square brackets] is where you should provide the corresponding details; anything not in brackets should be entered literally as I show it here. I’ve added line breaks just for clarity.

Whereas it is a condition of the issue of a SOCIAL VISIT PASS 

to me / the said [YOUR FULL NAME] 

of [YOUR ADDRESS, either in Malaysia if you’re already here, or otherwise your address in your home country]

that there furnished by me / on behalf of the said [YOUR FULL NAME again]

security in the sum of [AMOUNT - they’ll tell you how much, e.g. for UK citizens it’s 1,500.00 RM]

as a guarantee that I / the said will comply with the provisions of the above Ordinance and of any regulations made there under and with any conditions imposed in respect of, or instructions endorsed on such SOCIAL VISIT pass. 




do hereby bind myself that I / the said [YOUR FULL NAME yet again] will comply with the provisions of the above Act and of any regulations made there under and with any special conditions imposed in respect of, or instructions endorsed on such SOCIAL VISIT pass. 

And in case of my / the said [YOUR FULL NAME once more] making default therein, I hereby bind myself to forfeit to the Government of Malaysia the sum of [AMOUNT as entered previously]

which I hereby deposited with the Government of Malaysia vide Receipt No [LEAVE BLANK].

Dated this [DAY, e.g. 10th] day of [MONTH] at [YEAR] in the state of [STATE, e.g. WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN if you’re applying in Kuala Lumpur].

Signature of the abovenamed [YOUR SIGNATURE]

Signed and executed by the abovenamed [YOUR FULL NAME for the final time]

In my presence

Signature of Witness: [YOUR WITNESS’ SIGNATURE]

Fullname of Witness: [FULL NAME OF WITNESS again]

Address of Witness: [WITNESS ADDRESS IN MALAYSIA again]


Once you’ve done that, take the completed form to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN – Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia). In Kuala Lumpur this is at Menara Olympia on Jalan Raja Chulan. It’s open from 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 12:15pm and 2:45pm to 5pm on Fridays – but note that the payment counter closes at 3:30pm, so get there well before that. You’ll need cash to pay the stamping fee (10 RM at the time of writing), but note that you will not be paying the actual security bond here, so no need to take cash for that.

Go to the fourth floor and right in front of the entrance you should see a bunch of computer terminals. Once one is free, sit down at it. There is an instruction card, but it’s only in Malay. Here’s a photo of it I snapped on the way out (click to enlarge):

Instruction card for digital franking at the Inland Revenue Board

Here are the key words and phrases translated:

  • Klik: click
  • Pengisian borang: form filling
  • Simpan: save
  • Maklumat pembawa: bearer information
  • Pemilik dokumen: document owner
  • Tambah surat cara: add a cover letter
  • Isikan maklumat dokumen: fill out document information
  • Tambah pihak pertama: add first party
  • Seterusnya: then
  • Tambah pihak kedua: add second party
  • Isi maklumat pihak: fill out party information
  • Simpan maklumat pihak: save party information
  • Simpan maklumat surat cara: Save the instrument
  • Simpan maklumat doket setelah mengisi kesemua maklumat dokumen yang ingin disetem: Save the docket, after filling out all of the information you want to stamp
  • Semak No. Kad Pengenalan adalah betul: check the identity card number is correct
  • Ambil dan tunggu sehingga No giliran anda dipanggil: take a numbered ticket and wait until you are called

A few others you may encounter:

  • Individu: Individual
  • Wakil: Representative
  • Syarikat: Company
  • Firma: Firm

There’s a full instruction manual here but hopefully you won’t need it. It probably would be worth taking along a friend who speaks Malay though – I did, and even between us we struggled with the process. Definitely have Google Translate or similar handy on your phone.

However, broadly what you’re doing is creating a new ‘instrument’, for an individual, in which you are the first party and the second party is the Immigration Department of Malaysia. The document bearer / owner is you, as far as I can tell (at least, that worked for me…), and you use your passport number as the ID (this is used later to retrieve the instrument).

Once you’ve done all that, vacate the computer and go back to the entrance (literally a few steps away) where you should find a ticket dispenser next to the door. Take a numbered ticket (there are three options – you want Counter Service (Perkhidmatan Kaunter).

Now wait until you are called – keep an eye out for your number on the LCD displays above the counter. This will tell you which counter to go to. Annoyingly, the ticket numbers do not appear to be in any sort of sequence, so there’s no way to know where you are in the queue or how long the wait might be. In my case though it was fairly quick – about five or ten minutes.

Your first call will be to a counter where you must hand in your signed security bond form and show your passport. You will then be told to wait again until called.

Your next call (about five minutes later in my case) will be to a different counter, where you pay the 10 RM stamping fee. Take cash. Again, you will then be asked to wait until called.

Your final call (again about 5 minutes or so later for me) will be to another counter, where you will collect your stamped form. Keep this safe and add it to your file of paperwork for your trip to Putrajaya when you collect your visa.

You do not pay the actual security bond at this point. You will do this at the Immigration Department when you go to Putrajaya – which hopefully you are now ready to do!


  1. Mohd Fazli Bin Ghazali on 11 September, 2024

    Hello there. May I ask, should the witness of the security bond to be present at LHDN for stamping fee? Or just need to bring the copy if his/her ID?
    Thank you in advance ☺️

    • Jon on 17 September, 2024

      Good question, and I’m afraid a don’t know the answer. From memory, when I did mine, they didn’t ask for any witness details or proof of ID etc as I recall – but I could be mistaken, as it was 5 years ago. I did have my witness with me as it happens, but I’m not sure that was strictly necessary.

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